Posts Tagged 'green business'

Going Green

From Patagonia to Walmart, from solar panels on the roof to non-toxic packaging, from improved recycling to selling sustainable goods, companies everywhere are going green (or at least trying to convince us that they are).

 Going green is good for the environment. It is also good for the bottom line. That is why you see so much publicity about who is “green.”

 How do employees feel about working for a company that is going green?

I have found that people are proud to work for companies that do good. Pride in the workplace is one form of inherent recognition (recognition that comes from the work and workplace). So, from my perspective, a sincere “green” effort would contribute to this sense of pride.

What do you think? I have two questions:

1) What is your company doing to reduce emissions or consumption, improve water quality, etc?  

2) Are you enthusiastic to be part of the effort or does it seem like a scam to you?

My name is Cindy Ventrice. I am the author of the best-selling book Make Their Day! Employee Recognition That Works and the companion guide Recognition Strategies That Work.

My work has been quoted in The New York Times, Alaska Airlines Magazine, Workforce Magazine, and Tim Sanders' book The Likeability Factor.

Visit my website today!

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