Posts Tagged 'praise'

Millennials Expect More Feedback from their Managers

A recent study of over 800 respondents found that our youngest workers and those new to the workforce expect more feedback than other workers.
Santa Cruz, California (Press Release) October 1, 2008

Both those who have been in the workforce 4 years or less and those who are 25 and younger strongly prefer frequent feedback according to a recent study completed by Cindy Ventrice the author of Make Their Day! Employee Recognition That Works.

On a scale of 1-5, with 5.0 most preferred, those 25 and under rate weekly feedback a 3.7 and those employed four years or less rate it a 3.6, while overall respondents rate the importance of weekly feedback a 3.4.

According to Ms. Ventrice, “When it comes to weekly feedback, it is important to note that there is virtually no difference between the preferences of young workers and those who are new to the workforce but entering at an older age.”


25 and under

Employed 4 yrs or less


Provides weekly feedback that helps me improve my performance.




Provides daily encouragement.








The survey also looks at the preference for daily encouragement. Those 25 and younger have a more pronounced need for this frequent encouragement than other newer workers and more so than the overall which rates it a 3.0.

Ventrice recommends managers and supervisors meet this need for frequent feedback by offering occasional corrective feedback and generous amounts of praise. “Don’t keep employees guessing,” she says, “Let them know they are on track, and they will reward you with increased enthusiasm.”

About the author:
Cindy Ventrice is the author of the best-selling book Make Their Day! Employee Recognition That Works and the companion guide Recognition Strategies that Work. She has been quoted in The New York Times, Harvard Business Update, Workforce Magazine and on CNBC. She has worked with managers in 14 countries and has helped hundreds of organizations improve employee morale and loyalty through effective recognition strategies.

Cindy Ventrice



To order your copy of the complete research report: Order

The press can contact Cindy Ventrice for a copy of the report.

Is a Compliment as Good as a Raise?

Using MRI technology, the Japanese National Institute for Physiological Sciences in Okazaki, Japan found that a compliment stimulates the same reward center in the brain as does cash.

In their research they did two experiments. In one, people played a gambling game and received automatic cash payouts. They were rewarded for achievement. There was no human interaction. In the second experiment they received evaluations, supposedly from strangers reviewing their videos and questionnaires.  In each case, in this second experiment, they were paid a compliment.

Their MRIs showed that in both experiments  the people felt they were receiving a reward.

This seems to help explain why recognition is so effective. I would love to see them test the effect of reading the compliment a few days later. I bet it would still trigger the reward center. I can’t think of a more cost-effective way to recognize people that offering a few written words of praise. It is the reward that keeps on giving!

If you want to read the full story visit ABC News.

Insightful Millennial Post on Giving Feedback

Christopher Draven, a very insightful Gen Y/Millennial has an excellent post on providing feedback.  Check it out!

Making Recognition a Habit

RememberFor most of us, changing behavior is an uneven process. It’s two steps forward. One step back.

If you want to be better at recognizing others there are some techniques that can help you:

1) Make recogntion the header of your to do list, figuratively and literally. Every time you think about what needs to be done ask yourself where you might sprinkle in a little praise or appreciation.

2) Stick a reminder on your computer. Try the acronymn PORT which stands for Praise, Opportunity, Respect, and Thank you. These are the four elements of meaningful recognition.

3) Leave yourself a message, voice mail or email, at the end of the day with a reminder of something you will do to recognize someone on your team. It will be the first thing you retrieve in the morning.

4) Subscribe to and read the Make Their Day weekly tips!

Lesson from a Fortune Cookie

Fortune CookieCrack open a fortune cookie and you get a fortune that’s nearly always true. Yet you will rarely find the message interesting.


Because it is vague. In the writer’s attempt to make the fortune relevant to everyone, it becomes relevant to no one.

The lesson from the fortune cookie is that vague recognition that could apply to anyone doesn’t leave people feeling recognized. “Good job!” just doesn’t cut it.

When you offer praise or appreciation be specific. Tell what the person did and why you (or the organization) value it. Talk about their strengths and talents, their attitude, their goals, and achievements, whatever is applicable. Just remember to provide plenty of detail.

Do you have a recognition story to share? I would love to hear it!

New Year Resolution #5

This idea for a manager’s New Resolution one takes no more time, just a change in mindset… 

5) I will resolve to offer five times more praise than corrective feedback.

Gallup research shows that 5:1 is the ideal ratio for increasing engagement. This can seem like a lot of praise, especially if you have a mediocre performer.

To provide the optimum blend, think in terms of acknowledging milestones, incremental progress, strengths, and valued behaviors. Show appreciation for additional effort, sense of humor, attitude, and a willingness to speak up about concerns.

You can even offer a positive word when giving corrective feedback. End the conversation by expressing confidence in their ability to change.

Copyright 2007 Cindy Ventrice

A Dysfunctional Team

A manager has a big problem. Every member of her small team is an extreme underperformer. She is frustrated and exhausted. As I observed her in action, it became clear why she was having so much difficulty

This manager has a very narrow view of the way things should be and she treats any variation as sheer stupidity. If anyone has an idea she disapproves it. She criticizes mistakes and never praises anyone for “doing what they should do.”

As a result her team has no confidence in themselves. Members won’t make decisions. They don’t take initiative. If she wants something done she thinks she has two choices, yell or do it herself.

She tired of the situation, but she won’t change. She can’t see how her disrespectful treatment damages engagement and productivity. No, she won’t change and, as a result, neither will her team.

Copyright 2007 Cindy Ventrice

Tuning In To Employee Preferences

Eight ballIn a survey conducted earlier this year, I looked at what makes recognition meaningful. There are four elements to recognition: Praise, Opportunity, Respect, and Thanks. Since the publication of Make Their Day! Employee Recognition That Works, I have stated that Respect is the element that must always be present and the others can be mixed and matched in various combinations. I had also observed that Opportunity seemed to carry more weight with employees that did Praise or Thanks (appreciation).

To determine employee priorities when it comes to the more subtle aspects of recognition I asked respondents about the importance of various behaviors that demonstrate to employees that they are valued.

Test yourself.
Rank the following in order of employee priority:
  Praise for achievements    
  Regular feedback from my manager/supervisor  
  Knowing my manager/supervisor listens to me. 
  Involvement in the decision-making process  
  Being able to take on new challenges  
  Having development opportunities   

Survey respondents listed a manager who listens as most important, followed by development opportunities, involvement in decision-making, new challenges, feedback, and in last place, praise.

As you can see in the table below, the gap in preferences was small (all were shown to be important). Still the results do underscore that showing employees that they are valued goes far beyond praise and rewards:

How important are the following to you (5 being most important and 1 being least)?
  Praise for achievements     3.82
  Regular feedback from my manager/supervisor   4.09
  Knowing my manager/supervisor listens to me.  4.42
  Involvement in the decision-making process   4.29
  Being able to take on new challenges   4.23
  Having development opportunities    4.32

The survey demonstrates that employees look beyond praise when deciding how recognized they feel, They consider all the elements of recognition (Praise, Opportunity, Respect, Thanks) with respect and opportunity being the most critical.

Copyright Cindy Ventrice 2007

Psst! Pass It On!

Hear something good about someone on your team? Be sure to let them know. 

Receive a complimentary email regarding an employee? Forward it to your manager. 

Did a customer send a note complimenting your team? Read it at your next meeting. Better yet, invite the customer to join you and your team for lunch and let them tell your team why they are so valuable. 

When you hear good news the one thing you never want to do is hoard it. It it engages and energizes your team. So the next time you hear good news… Psst… pass it on

Copyright Cindy Ventrice 2007

My name is Cindy Ventrice. I am the author of the best-selling book Make Their Day! Employee Recognition That Works and the companion guide Recognition Strategies That Work.

My work has been quoted in The New York Times, Alaska Airlines Magazine, Workforce Magazine, and Tim Sanders' book The Likeability Factor.

Visit my website today!

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